Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'm just grateful

All my life I had been conditioned to think a certain way that was detrimental to my well-being.

I had been making too many assumptions.

I had been taking myself and other people too seriously.

I had been looking to other people to affirm my self worth.

I had been turning myself into a victim in order not to take responsibility for what’s happening in my life.

I had been complaining a whole lot and seeing the glass half empty.

I never realized that it took very little things to feel alive and content. Very little things to make me feel privileged. All my life, I never really pondered about the things I’m truly grateful for.

I’m so grateful that I’m healthy and still young.
I’m so grateful that both my parents are alive and here to support me.
I’m so grateful that I have a home to live in and that the heating bill gets paid every month.
I’m so grateful that I’m amongst the privileged few who have a computer and internet so that I can share my feelings with so many people at the same time.
I’m so grateful that I don’t have any physical “deformities”. (Not because it changes your value, but because it restricts certain actions)
I’m so grateful that I have two legs that function well so that I can go outside whenever I want to, so that I can run for 40 minutes, so that I can take walks by the seaside at night as the cool sea breeze caresses my face, instead of obsessing about how short and fat I think my legs are and missing all these moments.
I’m so grateful for being able to feel the sun warm up my face, instead of thinking how I want bigger eyes, a smaller nose and more visible cheekbones.
I’m so grateful for people who care about me.
I’m so grateful that I’m alive so that I can see A fost sau n’a fost? at the movie theatre and laugh at the top of my lungs.

I’m so grateful that I’m still alive
to feel
whatever needs to be felt.

And I’m grateful for a million other small things. They let me know that life is beautiful.

As for the aforeyoutubed song, I read a review of it in a website (I’m not a feminist) and it had been sucking my head ever since. I think to a certain extent, it was my theme song for the last decade or so, with some (major) exceptions.

God knows
I’ve been taking a lot without giving back...

You gotta give to get
You gotta give to get back
You gotta give to get
You gotta give to get back
To the love...

My worth comes from what I can give, not from what you see when you look at me.

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