Sunday, November 05, 2006

Paradoxical Commandements

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

by Dr. Kent M. Keith


Anonymous said...

You see, in the final analysis it is all between you and God; it was never between you and them, anyway :)


Chi said...

I actually didn’t have that in mind when I posted this but it’s a good point because it made me think about why I wrote it in the first place. I think there are a million reasons why you should love people. You should love people because hatred does not promote personal growth or emotional maturity or inner peace. You should love people because by hating them you can only hurt yourself. You should love them because nobody is flawless, as well as your own perceptions about why other people act the way they do. Love for other people emanates from love for the self and if you really love yourself you wouldn’t define yourself by what other people think of you, you would treat yourself nicely, be forgiving and let go of things. Most of the time, people can be unconsciously motivated by hatred in their actions. What’s important is to recognize this and not take things personally. Then you would know that you have that special “consciousness” that others don’t have and you wouldn’t depend on others to love yourself. I would say it’s not exactly between you and God, it’s more like between you and your sense of being, but definitions don’t really matter anyway.