Monday, December 11, 2006


Whenever you think you've hit the rock bottom you have to realize a few things:

1.There are people who love you and who want to help you.
2. There is always a way out.
3. True hapiness lies in the small things of life, like watching the ducks on a sunny morning (and feeling that you're a part of this divine beauty).
4. You have to be patient, no change is quick and easy.

My mind seems to be blocked now, what else?


Moonshine said...

5- You might be thinking that the way everything has turned out is pretty bad for you at this point in time, but in the long run, when you look back, it might very well have been the best outcome to have happened. (But you'll only be able to see this retrospectively, when looking from the future back to the past)

Chi said...

Yes, "her iste bir hayir vardir" premise. Very true.