Friday, February 16, 2007

Woman marries herself

This is something that occured in 2003 but I happened to hear about it just now. Here is the story:
A Dutch artist is to marry herself to show people how much she loves the different sides of her character. Jennifer Hoes, 29, has ordered a complete wedding party, wedding dress and marriage certificate. She told Haarlem's Dagblad newspaper: "I want to celebrate with others how much I'm in love with myself." She says she regards the wedding as a reward for her years of struggle between the emotional and business sides of her character. Ms Hoes said: "Finally I managed to unite these conflicting parts of my character, and I find it most logical that it results in a wedding."
When asked if marrying yourself is a self-centered act, she said: "I believe if a person is loyal to him- or herself, he or she he has more to offer to others — to be active, straight and involved in relationships. Therefore, by no means, is marrying yourself a self-centered act."

When I first heard of this, I laughed my ass off but coming to think about it, isn't it something that everyone is supposed to do? We could do without a ceremony, thanks, but isn't loving yourself so much that you'd want to marry yourself the first thing to do before getting married with another person?

Supporting and standing by yourself for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health.. You may love yourself when you are doing well but is it just as easy when you're not doing so well? You may love yourself when you are young and beautiful but will you still continue to do so if, say, a terrible accident occurs and you lose your beautiful figure?

I believe that it's harder to be your own valentine than somebody else's. How come we can fall in love instantly with people whom we barely even know but spend our lifetimes in self criticism, pity, dislike or even hatred?

You can "get a life" with unconditional love. First towards yourself and then towards other people. It's easier said than done most certainly.


sez said...

That looks like the other end of the extreme to me. It's basically spoiling yourself as opposed to hating yourself, and I don't see which is better. I think the key is not to think of yourself as a separate person with whom you must settle on a specific type of relationship. Just think about your actions, naturally some are not alright, but that doesnt mean you have to resolve them by either loving or hating yourself. You can keep your focus on how to best improve them, rather than what exactly to feel about them. Again, feelings are just good signs. It is worth spending energy to prevent them from getting out of hand, but trying to perfect them does not seem like a worthwhile effort to me.

Chi said...

I believe I couldn’t clearly explain what I’m trying to communicate here. I think this issue is so important that I want to answer it with my next post.